Are You Spending on an AI “Poof of Concept”?

AI is supposed to be a game-changer.  And it is.  But what happens when a company’s “AI proof of concept” (PoC) fizzles or underwhelms instead of delivering impact that leads to measurable value? Too often, AI investments that start with excitement end with disappointment—wasted money, effort, and credibility.

If you’re a leader navigating AI adoption, it’s time to ask a critical question: Is your PoC really proving anything meaningful, or instead, is it more of a “Poof of Concept” that evaporates before it delivers value?

Why AI Proof of Concepts Often ‘Poof’
The intention behind an AI PoC is usually well-meaning. It’s seen as a low-risk way to “test if AI works” before scaling up. But here’s the problem: AI does work. The question isn’t whether the technology functions—it’s whether you’re using it to unlock meaningful and positive business change.

Here are the common pitfalls that lead PoCs astray:

  • Too Small in Scope
    Testing a single use case that doesn’t connect to a broader business goal often results in underwhelming results. If it doesn’t inspire, why scale it? For example, deploying an AI-based lead generation tool might sound great, but experienced sales leaders know that improving the top of the pipeline is meaningless if the rest of the revenue performance ecosystem isn’t aligned to convert leads into measurable revenue.
  • Lack of Business Impact
    PoCs frequently focus on technology success (“Did the AI tool work?”) rather than measurable business outcomes (“Did this make us more efficient, profitable, or competitive?”). Leaders must insist that any AI investment is tied to a measurable KPI, such as revenue, orders/bookings, cost-of-sales, or quota per rep.
  • No Connection to Strategy
    A PoC that isn’t aligned with a vision for the future operating model becomes an isolated experiment. Without a broader roadmap, it feels irrelevant—even if it succeeds. Those seeing the most value from AI are using it to rethink how entire business functions can be re-engineered, rather than layering AI onto isolated tasks.
  • Missed Opportunity for Momentum
    First impressions matter. A disconnected PoC that fails to inspire risks losing executive and organizational buy-in. Many organizations say, “Yes, we’re using AI,” but when asked about measurable results, the room goes silent.

The result? Your AI PoC doesn’t prove anything—it just poofs into a lost opportunity.

The Better Alternative: Think Bigger, Start Smarter

Rather than investing in short-term experiments, organizations should focus on reimagining their end-to-end operating model for the revenue generating function and identifying AI-driven initiatives that matter. Here’s the better approach:

  • Think Big to Unlock Transformational Results
    Instead of incremental improvements, ask bold, business-changing questions: “How can we increase quota deployment and retirement per rep by 50%—and ensure they have the tools, insights, and workflows needed to achieve those higher targets?” Thinking this big forces you to address the entire ecosystem—AI-enabled tools, smarter workflows, enhanced coaching, and real-time insights—ensuring every part of the system works in harmony to deliver exceptional results.
  • Start with the End in Mind
    AI isn’t about incremental fixes—it’s about reshaping workflows, roles, and processes to deliver transformative outcomes. Begin with a clear vision for how AI will improve your operating model. RGA’s Strategic Visual Blueprint is a proven tool to help leaders visualize what’s possible, align teams, and jumpstart the transformation journey.
  • Adopt an Agile Transformation Mindset
    Instead of isolated PoCs, think in terms of small, iterative steps that align to your broader vision. Be prepared to answer the question your teams will ask: “What are we doing first, and how will this impact me?” Test improvements with subsets of users, refine based on feedback, and scale what works.
  • Prioritize Impactful Use Cases
    Not all use cases are equal. Focus on those that will drive immediate, measurable improvements while building toward the larger vision. Use AI to tackle problems that matter to your teams and stakeholders.
  • Avoid a common trap
    Many AI tools boast about “saving X hours of work,” but here’s the reality—time saved is meaningless unless it’s monetized. If you’re reducing manual admin tasks, automating workflows, or streamlining processes, that’s great—but what happens next? Unless leaders define how those “saved hours” will be reinvested to drive revenue growth, productivity gains won’t translate into tangible results.

Make It Social
Socialize early wins with the teams and leaders who will be impacted. Demonstrate the value AI delivers—not just as a tool, but as a foundation for a new way of working. Some organizations are even leveraging gamification to get teams engaged and excited about what AI can deliver.

What’s the Risk of Playing Small?
Some leaders believe that starting with a small PoC is the “safe” option. But with AI, playing small can actually be riskier:

  • It sets low expectations: If your PoC doesn’t inspire, you risk losing momentum before you even start.
  • It burns credibility: A failed or unimpressive PoC undermines confidence in leadership and AI’s potential.
  • It delays transformation: Time spent proving “whether AI works” is time lost to competitors already making it work.

So What to Do? Skip the PoC, Start the Journey
Instead of investing in disconnected proof-of-concept initiatives, focus on the big picture: How will AI enable your organization to work smarter, operate better, and grow faster?

Think bigger. Start smarter. Define a vision, take the first step, and iterate your way to success.

AI isn’t a science experiment—it’s an enabler of change. Your teams and stakeholders don’t want to see “proof” that AI works. They want to see how it works to make their jobs easier, their results better, and your business stronger.

Curious about AI-centric operating paradigms, architectures, and effective techniques for managing change? Let’s talk. At Revenue Growth Associates, we bring proven methodologies and expertise to help you make meaningful progress on your AI-driven journey. Our approach delivers tangible benefits while seamlessly coexisting with the complex, intertwined structures many enterprises operate within today.

Don’t settle for a PoC that poofs. Build the future, one meaningful step at a time.