Turning Curiosity into Capability: The Power of Consultatively Selling AI

BILLIONS of dollars are flowing into Artificial Intelligence (AI) every quarter, but a concerning trend is emerging – a bottleneck in enterprise adoption. While large cloud providers (AWS, Microsoft, Google, etc.) and enterprise software vendors are actively investing in AI technology, data centers, and resources to support AI-deployed solutions, a critical gap is starting to surface – many end-user enterprises are struggling to move beyond pilot programs and embrace broader AI adoption initiatives.

The Enterprise Demand Stall: A Ripple Effect

This enterprise demand stall, if not addressed, has broad implications. With all the key AI technology providers making significant investments in AI in anticipation of a surge in enterprise adoption, what happens if the demand doesn’t materialize? Or materializes more slowly than expected? The risk is a sales stall that jeopardizes the return on investment for the major players in the AI ecosystem as well as for others who are selling AI capabilities and solutions. As the saying goes, “time kills all deals,” especially if customers become disillusioned or if their first few steps forward result in a bad outcome.

Why the Hesitation?

Several factors contribute to this enterprise hesitation. Many companies are:

  • Confused: The complexities of AI technology and its vast potential applications can be overwhelming. Adding to this confusion is the proliferation of vendors positioning and selling their own ‘AI products’ or ‘AI-enhanced products’. From a buyer’s perspective, it feels like trying to ‘catch arrows’ in the wild west of the current AI landscape.
  • Worried: Concerns about job displacement, the human impact of AI, data readiness, the ROI for AI, and potential security risks create significant apprehension.
  • Unsure of Where to Start: Many enterprises have taken initial steps by testing AI-enhanced versions of existing applications. When asked if they are using AI, they often answer ‘yes’. However, using an AI-enhanced tools or applications is different from rethinking their enterprise operating structure under an AI-enabled architecture. This distinction means that while they might be leveraging some generative AI tools, they are not necessarily using AI in a transformative or ROI justified way. The lack of a clear roadmap and strategic vision for comprehensive AI implementation can lead to paralysis and missed opportunities for true innovation.
  • Missing the Bigger Picture: Focusing solely on specific AI tools or features hinders companies from realizing the transformative potential of AI at the enterprise level.

Consultative Selling: Getting Customers from Here to There

This is where consultative sellers play a pivotal role. They can bridge the gap between the promise of AI and its real-world application within enterprises. By moving beyond transactional sales pitches, these advisors can effectively address enterprise concerns and unlock the true potential of AI adoption.

Consultative Seller Skills

Effective consultative sellers for AI must possess a specific – and often hard to find – skillset that goes well beyond core technical knowledge:

  • Visionary Thinking: The ability to paint a clear picture of how AI can transform the customer’s business, not just automate tasks. This includes a deep understanding of the customer’s industry challenges and opportunities, the competitive ecosystem for the customer, and the ‘to be’ opportunities.
  • Strategic Roadmap Development: Consultative sellers can partner with the customer to develop a comprehensive roadmap for AI integration.  The most capable sellers can do this in real-time and from a blank sheet of paper. This roadmap should address data readiness, workforce enablement, change management strategies, and success metrics to track progress and measure ROI.
  • AI Technology Expertise: In-depth knowledge of various AI solutions and capabilities to effectively translate these complexities into actionable insights for the customer.
  • Business Process Reengineering: The ability to analyze and help re-think the customer’s workflows to optimize them for AI integration. This ensures a smooth transition and maximizes the value proposition of AI.
  • Change Management Acumen: Understanding the human side of AI adoption and the potential challenges associated with organizational change. Consultative sellers can guide customers through this process, mitigating resistance and fostering a culture of collaboration.
  • First-Step Guidance: The ability to answer the crucial question: “What should I do first?” Consultative sellers can help prioritize initiatives, identify high-impact pilot projects, and develop a phased approach to AI implementation that aligns with the customer’s resources and strategic objectives.

Selling the Vision, Not Just the Features

The key to overcoming the AI adoption bottleneck lies in consultative sellers who can shift the focus from selling ‘cool technology’ or ‘abstract concepts’ to a more holistic discussion about the specific potential for AI within an enterprise. Instead of simply pushing an AI-enabling or AI-enabled product, they should advise on what to do first, how to proceed for success, and how AI aligns with the customer’s vision and transformation journey. By prioritizing these aspects, consultative advisors can effectively:

  • Align AI Solutions with Business Needs: Focus on outcomes.  Ensure that the AI technology implemented directly addresses the customer’s most pressing challenges and strategic objectives. 
  • Develop a Comprehensive Implementation Strategy: Craft a clear roadmap for AI integration, including addressing data readiness, change management, and workforce enablement.
  • Guide Successful Change Management: Help navigate the human aspects of AI adoption, minimizing disruption and fostering employee buy-in.

Empowering Consultative Sellers for AI Success: A Prescriptive Approach

Building a high-performing team of consultative sellers for the AI space requires a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond basic training.  Candidly, it’s a heavy lift, and a critical consideration is whether those you want to be your consultative sellers have the background and core attributes required for success.  For those who do, here’s a roadmap outlining key steps to empower your salesforce and unlock their full potential:

1: Knowledge Arsenal: Building Expertise

  • Deep AI Literacy: Move beyond technical jargon. Equip sellers with a thorough understanding of core AI concepts (machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.) and their practical applications across various industries.
  • Industry-Specific Insights: Foster deep dives into the customer’s industry landscape. One tool RGA uses for this is the Executive Whiteboard.  A simple 4 quadrant approach that allows you to tailor conversations to the unique needs of your customer and showcase real-world use cases that resonate with the customer’s specific challenges and opportunities.

2: Hone Consultative Selling Skills

  • Active Listening and Probing Questions: Train sellers to become active listeners, adept at asking insightful questions to uncover the customer’s underlying needs and concerns. This enables them to move beyond surface-level conversations and provide solutions that directly address the customer’s unique situation.
  • Value Proposition Development: Equip sellers with the tools to craft compelling value propositions that clearly demonstrate the ROI of AI adoption for the customer’s business. This should go beyond just cost savings and factor in potential revenue growth, increased efficiency, and improved decision-making.
  • Storytelling and Communication: Effective consultative sellers are skilled storytellers who can weave a compelling narrative about how AI can transform the customer’s business. This involves using clear, concise language tailored to the customer’s level of technical expertise.

3: Leverage Sales Enablement Tools

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Utilize AI-enabled CRM systems to capture and analyze customer data, providing sellers with valuable insights into customer interactions, buying journeys, and past AI inquiries. This empowers them to personalize their approach and anticipate customer needs.
  • Sales Content Libraries: Develop comprehensive content libraries containing AI-framed sales playbooks, industry-specific case studies, white papers, and infographics that showcase the successful application of AI across different industries. This equips sellers with valuable resources to share with potential customers.
  • Sales Automation Tools: Leverage automation tools to streamline administrative tasks and free up seller time for strategic activities like building relationships, developing customized solutions, and of course time for sellers to reinvest in themselves to enhance their consultative selling capabilities.

RGA’s Strategic Visual Blueprint: Your Roadmap to Success

At Revenue Growth Associates (RGA), we understand the critical role consultative selling plays in navigating the complexities of AI adoption. Our proprietary Strategic Visual Blueprint™ serves as a powerful tool to help organizations chart their course and refine their overall vision for AI. This blueprint visually maps an enterprise’s AI journey from initial ideation to full-scale implementation, considering all the crucial touchpoints discussed above. It fosters a shared understanding among stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned on the goals, milestones, and key considerations for successful AI adoption. With a blueprint in hand, you are better prepared to answer the ‘what do I do first’ question, and you have a visual reference you can align your other activities around, whether it be enabling your selling organization for success or work you do to create a target-rich playing field within the customers you serve.

Let’s Go!

The future of AI is exciting, but unlocking its true value relies on a strategic shift in sales approaches. By embracing consultative selling and empowering your salesforce with the right knowledge and tools, you can turn the tide on AI adoption and move your customers from curious to capable.

Want to learn more – or want to talk about your unique challenges and opportunities? Contact RGA today and let our experts help you develop a winning consultative selling strategy for AI success.