Insight and Innovation Perspectives


The Perils of Incremental Thinking in an Era of Industrial Revolution

While it might feel OK right now to focus on perceived low-risk AI pilots and...

Are You Building from a Blueprint or Just Figuring It Out as You Go?

The incredible potential we are all seeing from AI is resulting in many business leaders...

From ROI to ROAI – Realizing the Benefits (and Possibilities) of AI

Embracing the AI Imperative: The integration of AI into business operations is becoming a strategic...

AI Hype – Embrace or Observe?

In many organizations I talk to about the future implications and possibilities associated with Generative...

Harmonizing AI: Orchestrating AI Tools for Role-Specific Tasks

Imagine stepping onto the conductor's podium to face an orchestra of thousands of musicians, each...

Crossing the Event Horizon: Mastering Business Strategy & Planning in the Age of Disruptive Unknowns

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the Event Horizon marks a boundary around a...

Evolve or Invent – Approaches to Change in the Age of AI

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a game-changer, reshaping...

AI from the Eye of the Beholder: An Evaluation Perspective for the Diverse Business Landscape

As a strategic consultant, my role often involves guiding businesses through uncertain terrain, helping them...

Balancing First Principles Thinking and Pattern Recognition in the Age of AI-Driven Disruption

As business leaders and executives navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven startups combined with...

5 Steps for Integrating AI into your Core Business Processes

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the business world has brought a paradigm shift...